Bitenshi: Tohoshinki 美天使 東方神起
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Here is a forum *made by fans* that is entirely based on DBSK. In our forum you can share your opinion on the band and it's members, participate in polls, and even have fun in our role playing section~ tell ur friends about it laaar~

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List of available ranks

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1List of available ranks Empty List of available ranks Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:55 pm

Kuro Bara

Kuro Bara

First of all...
(Please don't try to gain your rank by doing so.)
Ranks (lowest to highest, a special dbsk avatar will match the rank) :
-List of available ranks Rank0_10Viewer : 0 posts, recently joined.
-List of available ranks Rank1_10Casual : 50 posts, getting used to the forum.
-List of available ranks Rank2_10Member : 100 posts, considered as part of the forum
because of: amount of posts/engagement.
-List of available ranks Rank3_10Leader : 300 posts, an outstanding user of the forum
-List of available ranks Rank4_11Pro: 500 posts, rlly used to the forum,
more posts and he/she will be a mod!!!
-List of available ranks Rank5_11Mod : 700 posts, controls everything related to posts
(need to be approved by admins to be able to access that control)

-List of available ranks Rank_610Admin : no number of posts required....because that is US!
*Kogata-sensei, Kuro Bara, Kuu-chan~ & Lia* <3

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