Bitenshi: Tohoshinki 美天使 東方神起
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Here is a forum *made by fans* that is entirely based on DBSK. In our forum you can share your opinion on the band and it's members, participate in polls, and even have fun in our role playing section~ tell ur friends about it laaar~

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Message for all members -.-

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1Message for all members -.- Empty Message for all members -.- Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:46 pm

Kuro Bara

Kuro Bara

Alright guys im like really bored cuz no1 is getting one here's a message for all of the members...actually more like a warning

1. ANY MEMBER WHO HASN'T POSTED HIS PRESENTATION THINGY MUST DO IT RIGHT AWAY, if not...(guess it on ur own) -.- I dont wanna deal with this so please, READ THE RULES and get done with it, faster done, the faster we can have fun without dealing with these useless stuff (it truly helps me though)

2. IF YOU GET ON THE INACTIVE LIST BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T ON OFTEN, well too will stay there. Unless you have a good reason, you can send me an email on, or simply send a message to bitenshi forum (SAME thing)

3. Gosh people do atleast 1 post per day? This isn't hard, if you don't wanna do it, I wonder why you registered in the first place, OR if you can't, just post the reason here in random, like I always do.

4. ...

(Ok im like really in a bad mood, no its not the forum's fault just really tired...i posted this cuz i wanted to do something and cuz no1 really gets on....)

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